Page 46 - Kay Handyside - Fat to Flat Belly
P. 46

 is a tabata or hit section which allows you to go all out . Your maximum heart rate :
High Intensity Training should fall between about 80-90% of your maximum heart rate (MHR). This means that for short amount of time you exercise at a level that feels challenging and leaves you too out of breath to talk. Maximal Heart Rate Method: 220-age = MHR.
Makes sure to drink water and stay hydrated. Do not over drink this is equally as dangerous - if you are thirsty take sips of water.
Where I have added in tempo the first figure is the lifting phase or concentric phase the middle number is the pause in contraction and the final number is the lowering phase
1. Warm up . You have a warm up table for each new month of the programme.
2. Your first set of the exercise - where appropriate is 15 reps . Warm up for an
exercise by doing the exercise - body weight . Not included in the given reps
3. Preform each single exercise for three sets before moving onto the next exercise, unless specified
4. Rest no more than 90 seconds between every exercise.
5. If you are able to - slowly increase the weight with every set by adding a small amount of weight. By the end couple reps you should be fatigued but still able to maintain proper form with the last couple reps as a struggle.
6. Use slow and controlled movements. It’s the eccentric movements that increase strength - perform these slowly and controlled. Allowing you to add resistance over time .

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