Page 6 - Kay Handyside - Fat to Flat Belly
P. 6
( can buy from a pharmacy - ask for ingestion grade ) EPSOM SALTS - VERY HIGH MAGNESIUM ( white powder )
Workout your fat burning zone with your heart rate . keep a track of this for your workouts - it will reduce over time.
REMEMBER YOU HAVE SIGNED UP FOR A FAT BURNING PROGRAMME - so we need as much fat burning exercise as possible . In order to keep you within your fat burning zone
( Heart rate ) we will use the tried and tested theory of Maffetone .
Work out your heart rate now using the formula below :
Instructions for determining the MAF HR using the MAF 180 Formula
Subtract your age from 180.
Modify this number by choosing one category below that best applies to you:
If you have or are recovering from a major illness (including any operation or hospital stay), are in rehabilitation, have been prescribed any regular medication, or are chronically overtrained, subtract an additional 10.