Page 7 - Kay Handyside - Fat to Flat Belly
P. 7

If you are injured, have regressed or not improved in training (such as poor MAF Tests) or competition, get more than two colds, flu or other infections per year, have seasonal allergies or asthma, are over weight , are acutely overtrained, or if you have been inconsistent, just beginning or returning to exercise, subtract an additional 5.
If you have been training consistently (at least four times weekly) for up to two years without any of the problems mentioned in a) or b), no modification is necessary (use 180 minus age as your MAF HR).
If you have been training for more than two years without any of the problems listed above, have made measurable progress, and have improved competitively, add 5.
The resulting HR is the high end of the HR range with the low being 10 beats below. For example, a 40-year old in category b) would have an exercise range of 125-135 bpm. Users can self-select any intensity within this range.
Ie plus or minus 10 bpm to your end Heart rate for your fat burning range.
You should always be able to carry out a conversation when you are in fat burning mode ‘The talk test ‘. Otherwise you are working at too high an intensity and need to reduce your exercise intensity and lower your heart rate.
Set your goal weight - expect to loose between 1-2 kgs per week
( this may slow over time ) but if you stick to the programme you will continue to kick butt !
Do you have a past photo of when you looked your best ? Use it as a screen saver and on your mobile - print it out and write your goals on it - YOU DID IT ONCE YOU CAN DO IT AGAIN !!!

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