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11.1. Overview and Key Messages
This chapter considers the care and support needs of Adults aged 16 + with mental health needs. The care and support needs of older people (aged 65+) with dementia are addressed in the Older People’s thematic report.
According to the Mental Health Foundation (2015) in any year one in four of us experience a mental health problem, yet three quarters of people with mental health problems receive no treatment.
Many of us will require support with respect to our mental health throughout our lives whether this is low intensity support for difficulties such as low level anxiety / depression or longer term support.
Mental illness can develop from a number of factors including social traumas, illegal drug use and genetic predisposition. Mental health does not discriminate and can affect anyone often leading to debilitating conditions.
Early intervention is crucial and this can take the form of providing information or referral to community or third sector services. Admissions to inpatient services may occur in extreme situations, where the individual cannot be treated in the community and presents a risk to themselves and / or others.
It has been estimated that the economic and social costs of mental health problems in Wales is estimated to be £7billion a year (Cyhlarova, 2010).
In 2015-16, the Welsh Government ring-fenced £587m for mental health services across Wales – up from £389m in 2009-10. Earlier this year, Government announced an additional £15m of new funding is being made available for mental health services in Wales every year.
11.2. Demographics and Trends
In Wales, according to the Welsh Government Mental Health Strategy (Welsh Government, 2012):
• 1 in 4 adults experiences mental health problems or illness at some point during their lifetime
• 1in6ofuswillbeexperiencingsymptomsatanyonetime
• 2 in 100 people will have a severe mental illness such as schizophrenia or bipolar
disorder at any one time
• Approximately 50% of people with enduring mental health problems will have
symptoms by the time they are 14 and many at a much younger age
• Between1in10and1in15newmothersexperiencepost-nataldepression
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Mental health