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10.6. References
Baird, G., Simonoff, E., Pickles, A., Chandler, S., Loucas, T., Meldrum, D. and Charman, T. (2006). “Prevalence of disorders of the autism spectrum in a population cohort of children in South Thames: the Special Needs and Autism Project (SNAP)”. The Lancet, 368 (9531), pp. 210-215.
Daffodil Cymru, 2014. People aged 18-64 estimated to have
a moderate or severe learning disability, projected to 2035. [Online]. Available at:
Mid & West Wales Health and Social Care Collaborative (2014). Statement of Intent for Learning Disability Services.
Available at:
Mid and West Wales Health and Social Care Collaborative (2015). Model of Care and Support.
Available at:
NICE (2008). Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: diagnosis and management, clinical guidance 72. Available at:
NICE (2012). Autism spectrum disorder in adults: diagnosis and management, clinical guidance 142. Available at:
Pembrokeshire County Council (2016). Learning Disability Strategy 2016-2021.
Available at:
Social Services Improvement Agency (2014). Transforming Learning Disability Services in Wales [online].
Available at:
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Learning disability and autism