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• ImproveservicesforAdultswithNeurodevelopmentaldisordersinordertoprovide a high quality integrated model which includes availability of input from highly specialist expertise and an ability to contribute to the evidence base for service delivery
• Developmentofadefinedmodelofcareandsupportbasedontheprinciplesofthe progression model
• Reductioninthenumberofchildrenandyoungadultstransitioningintoresidential care
• Reducinghealthinequalitiesacrossacontinuumofcare(fromaccessingmainstream health and social care services to specialist care, and prevention of crisis and ill
• Reducingrelianceonresidentialcareandpromotingopportunitiesforindependent
• A continued shift from traditional day services to a model that offers choice and
variety, that is outcome and community based, supports access to employment and volunteering, helps people realise individual aspirations and promotes social inclusion
• Increased access and availability of local housing and accommodation to enable people with a learning disability to live as independently as possible, in a place of their choice
• Strengthening pathways back to local communities following education, and developing local education and work opportunities in communities and making the necessary adjustments for people with a learning disability
• Placinganemphasisonbuildingstrongcommunities,inwhichpeoplewithalearning disability have a sense of belonging and can contribute to the wellbeing of fellow citizens. The development of social enterprise, cooperatives, user-led and third sector services will be a key factor in this
Co-operation, partnership and integration
• ‘Right-sizing’ existing packages of care to ensure they meet current needs and facilitate personal development and increased independence, and that they are cost-effective
• Maximising opportunities from regional collaboration, partnership and integrated working to deliver high quality, cost effective services
• Regionalcollectionanduseofdatatosupportfutureplanningandcommissioning
Strategic leadership from the Regional Partnership Board will be instrumental in building on existing foundations and taking this agenda forward. Mechanisms such as the Learning Disability Service Redesign programme recently launched by Hywel Dda University Health Board will be key drivers in achieving the change required.
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Learning disability and autism

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