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third, Ceredigion sixth and Carmarthenshire eighth in Wales in relation to the proportion of people with a learning disability receiving care and support that are supported in this way.
10.5. Gaps and Areas for Improvement
As evidenced by the summary of current provision in the preceding section, whilst there is a clear direction of travel towards a range of care and support for people with learning disabilities based on progression principles, there is more to do in rebalancing the current emphasis on traditional solutions such as residential care.
A number of foundations are in place to drive further change. Key among these is a regional Statement of Intent for Learning Disability Services (Mid & West Wales Health and Social Care Collaborative, 2014) and Model of Care and Support (Mid & West Wales Health and Social Care Collaborative, 2015), which have subsequently been endorsed by all statutory partners in the region. The purpose of the Statement of Intent is to provide a clear, shared strategic vision for learning disability services and to articulate an integrated, regional approach to the transformation of services. Predicated on the ‘progression model’, it identifies four regional aims as follows:
• Toimprovecommunityresilienceandenablementthroughchoice,self-directionand control for people with learning disabilities over decisions affecting their lives
• Tocommissionservicesthatstrengthenqualityandvalueformoneyacrosstherange of services provided for people with a learning disability
• Toreducehealthinequalitiesbyincreasingaccesstoanduptakeofuniversalhealth, social care and wellbeing services for people with learning disabilities
• Tobuildcommunityresilienceandcapacityacrossarangeofservicesthatsupport people with a learning disability
The development of fit for purpose services is, however, an ongoing journey and there are a number of areas in which further improvement can be made. These are set out below against the core principles of the SSWB Act.
Voice and control
• Empoweringpeoplewithalearningdisabilitytodecidewhoprovidestheirsupport and what orm that support takes
• Developmentofanidentifiableframeworkforservicedeliverythatreflectsindividual personalised care and local need
Prevention and early intervention
• Givingpeopleaccesstolowlevelsupportwhichtheyrequiretoremainindependent for as long as possible, which may delay or reduce any further support requirements
• Improvingtherecognition,diagnosisandthetreatmentandmanagementofpeople with Neurodevelopmental disorders including Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Learning disability and autism

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