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Transitions and family support
Ensuring that children and young people who have received care and support, and those that have not, are known to social services and that appropriate measures are in place to arrange appropriate support once they reach adulthood.
Support for Carers
Ensuring that those caring for people with a learning disability receive appropriate information, advice and support on options available and entitlements, etc.
Voice, choice and advocacy
Ensuring people with a learning disability have access to high quality advocacy services so that they can make informed choices and be supported appropriately in achieving personal outcomes.
Personal growth, including education, training, employment and volunteering
Providing equitable access to further education and appropriate support in accessing training and volunteering opportunities.
Environment, including transport and housing
Availability of transport links to enable access to care, support and other services and appropriate housing to facilitate independent and supported living.
Autistic Spectrum Disorder Diagnostic and Pre/post Counselling Service
Improved recognition and diagnosis of people with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
There are still significant numbers of people particularly in Carmarthenshire under the age of 65 in residential care. A priority for the LA and Health Board is to reverse this trend and develop housing options to prevent admission to hospital and residential settings, facilitate discharge from hospital. There is need to jointly commission a range of community accommodation options and services that offers more choice and control for individuals using learning disability services.
10.4. Current Care and Support Provision
A range of care and support services are in place across the region to support adults with a learning disability to live fulfilled lives within the community. Whilst specific care and support options vary across counties, current provision includes:
• UniversalservicesForexampleleisurecentres,communitycentres,libraries,adult education opportunities although it is recognised that these services do not yet provide consistent equal access to people with LD
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Learning disability and autism

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