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Figure 10:3 Circle of support for learning disability
Source: Pembrokeshire County Council
Broad aims under each of the segments in the Circle of Support are as follows:
Community connections/ Creative solutions
Growth of local community solutions such as social enterprises, cooperatives, user-led and third sector services to provide opportunities for people with a learning disability to contribute to society and develop skills.
Communication and information
Provision of Information, Advice and Assistance as required under the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act, with particular regard to the specific communication needs of this service user group.
Social care and support
Acknowledging the need for ongoing support for some people with a learning disability, provision of supported living models which enable as many of them as possible to live within and contribute to their local communities.
General health care and treatment
Improved access for people with a learning disability to generic health care services, acknowledging that there is an above-average incidence among this service user group of conditions such as epilepsy, diabetes and cardiac disease. Encouraging take-up of annual health checks.
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Learning disability and autism

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