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• Engagement events facilitated by Carmarthenshire People First in October 2015 to inform the development of Carmarthenshire County Council and Ceredigion County Council’s Equality Strategies, focusing specifically on the needs of people with a learning disability
• Consultation in support of the development of Pembrokeshire County Council’s Strategy for People with Learning Disabilities in May 2016
• Ongoing dialogue between service commissioners, providers and users and carers through local stakeholder groups in each county area
A clear message is coming from service users and carers; they want support to help them optimise their independence, access employment and benefit from volunteering opportunities. People also say they want greater opportunities for training and development and to be able to make new friends and participate in social activities. These clearly reflect the principles underpinning the progression model of care and support.
In Pembrokeshire a set of wellbeing outcomes has been co-produced with users and carers. These send clear messages in terms of the kinds of care and support which should be provided now and in the future and are set out below:
• ImprovedHealth–‘IamashealthyasIcanbeandcaneasilyvisitdoctors,dentists, hospitals and other health services’
• Productiveandindependentlives-‘Iamabletoliveafulfilledlife’
• Freedomfromdiscriminationandharassment-‘Ihaveanequalrighttolivefreefrom
fear, discrimination and prejudice’
• PersonalDignity–‘Ifeelvaluedbyothers’
• Exercisechoiceandcontrol–‘Ihavethesamelifechancesasotheradults.’
• Part of the Community – ‘I can participate as a full and equal member of my
community.’ ‘I can live in a home of my choice by having the right support in place’
• Maintain and develop social and family ties – ‘I have the same opportunities to
maintain relationships as other adults’
These outcomes are forming the basis of a Learning Disability Charter, which is currently in draft. Pembrokeshire County Council’s Learning Disabilities Strategy (2016) is based on a ‘Circle of Support’ shown below, which articulates the types of support which are needed, and which should equally apply across other parts of the region:
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Learning disability and autism