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Data relating to the incidence of autism is not collected routinely by all local authorities. However, open cases for people with autism in Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire in November 2016 are as follows:
Figure 10:2 Open cases for people with autism in Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire 2016
Ceredigion County Council
Pembrokeshire County Council
Source: Local data
Data is not available for Carmarthenshire.
Caseload numbers (18 years +)
22 91
Caseload numbers (open to transition)
18 22
10.3. Current and Future Care and Support Needs
People with learning disabilities are likely to require a range of care and support, depending on the nature and complexity of their individual needs. Depending on individual circumstances, needs will include support to help people participate fully in their local communities (for example through education, training, volunteering and access to employment), day opportunities, (for example access to social activity centres and programmes), general health care, residential care and supported accommodation to enable people to remain living independently within their communities.
There is a growing recognition that, in common with other groups needing care and support, delivery models for learning disability need to move away from traditional, risk-averse approaches which result in an over-reliance on options such as residential care. Such approaches tend to ‘lock’ people into expensive, passive forms of care which do little to promote independence and are not suited to helping them build skills and capacity for more active participation in society and, thereby, achieve more positive personal outcomes. The concept of the ‘progression model’ of care and support for people with learning disabilities has emerged, described by the Social Services Improvement Agency (SSIA) (2014) as
“the ability to promote independence through strength-based assessment, clear development plans, positive risk taking and outcome based review to transform services”.
Across the region, numerous mechanisms are in place for engagement with users and carers to obtain their perspective on the care and support they would like to receive. Examples include:
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Learning disability and autism

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