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As part of TMHSP work is underway to consider the implementation of the Trieste Model in Italy which places a major focus on community based resources that look at the whole person, break down barriers to accessing services by operating an open door policy, and are more service user led. The model works on a network of Community
Mental Health Centres that are active 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (24/7 CMHCs), with a few hospitality / crisis beds, supported housing facilities and several social enterprises.
In the Trieste model, 80% of the budget is spent on community based support with 20% on in-patient services; this is the direct opposite of the current West Wales area expenditure profile. The TMHSP are exploring the possibility of developing a joint funding bid with Trieste in order to access funding to support the transformation of mental health services in the West Wales area, and to share this learning more widely across Wales and Europe.
The development of fit for purpose services right across the range is an on-going journey and there are a number of areas in which further improvements can be made. These are set out below against the core principles of the SSWB Act.
Figure 11:12 Number of social services clients aged 18-64 with Mental Health problems receiving direct payments 31 March
Source: Welsh Government
Voice and Control
• Developanoutcomefocusedand“risk-enablement”approachtoserviceprovision to support a flexible approach
• Although fewer individuals with mental health needs are being detained in police custody, further work is required to improve service user experience and conveyancing in relation to S136 of the Mental Health Act
Prevention and early intervention
• Improvepreventionandearlyinterventionservices,alternativestohospitalservices such as a safe haven, respite and transfer of care liaison services, and access to services, especially for those in crisis
• Improvedirectaccessservicesasmanypeoplearenotreachingthehighthreshold for secondary mental health services, and so problems are escalating
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Mental health