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• Wellbeingcentresandbefriendingschemescouldbeusedtosupportpeoplewhile waiting for a diagnosis or access to more specific care
• AddressthelackofTier4specialistservicesandforensicserviceswithintheregion
• Improvetheavailabilityofalternativestohospitalassessmentandcrisisintervention
to manage placement breakdown
• Improve access to specific mental health welfare rights support and increased
support for carers and carers need to be involved in Care and Treatment planning
• Work as therapy could be better supported, and this could include “time credits”
to engage more difficult clients with peer support and/or mentoring
• Ensureunmetneeddataisrecordedaspartofindividualassessmentprocessesand is effectively aggregated to inform future planning
• Increaseoutreachcommunitybasedactivitywhichbuildssocialnetworks,confidence and supports integration
Co-operation, partnership and integration
• Development of a flexible and responsive workforce across health and social care to successfully deliver new models of mental health service
• Lack of good transport links within very rural regions adds to the difficulty of accessible service delivery and recruitment challenges
• Increasetherangeofcommunitybasedactivitysuchasthegolfingprojectsrecently run by the CMHT in partnership with West Wales Action for Mental Health;
• Thereareopportunitiestobasementalhealthworkersatpolicestations
• Benefit services should be better linked with mental health services because
livelihood fears exacerbate mental health issues
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Mental health

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