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Figure 12:1 Population by age and sex and aged over 65 by LA
HywelDda UHB
90+ 85 -89 80 -84 75 -79 70 -74 65 -69 60 -64 55 -59 50 -54 45 -49 40 -44 35 -39 30 -34 25 -29 20 -24 15 -19 10 -14
5-9 0-4
Source: Hywel Dda University Health Board
Current projections on Daffodil Cymru (2014a) suggest that the total population of people aged over 65 living in West Wales will rise from 89,780 in 2015 to 119,510 by 2035. This represents an approximate 60% increase.
In addition there has been, and will continue to be, a significant increase in the people aged over 85 in this area with the greatest predicted increase in population growth represented in the over 85 age group. An increase of 122% in West Wales overall by 2035, with a 116% increase predicted in Carmarthenshire, 125% in Ceredigion and 129% in Pembrokeshire.
Figure 12:2 Projected number of people aged 65+
Source: Welsh Government
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Older people

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