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assistive technology, telecare and telehealth, effective adaptations and effective advanced planning which includes choice and control for end of life care.
Effective support structures for older Carers
to ensure that they maintain wellbeing and are able to continue their support for the relative for whom they are caring for as long as possible.
Integrated mental health services
Evidence suggests that in the UK depression affects 22% of men and 28% of women aged 65 and over, with another study estimating that depression affects 40% of older people in care homes (Age UK, 2016).
For those older people experiencing any or all of the ‘accelerating’ factors identified in the previous section, support needs will include:
Measures to reduce isolation
through effective public transport and generally improved access to health and social care provided on a locality basis. Evidently the appropriate model of support for older adults in a deprived urban ward of Llanelli will be different from those of a coastal area such as Aberporth or rural hamlet such as St Dogmaels. The Kings Fund recommends the establishment of place-based ‘systems of care’ in which health and social care collaborate to address the challenges and improve the health of the populations they serve (Ham and Aldewick, 2015). Availability of broadband can also play a role in reducing the effects of social exclusion in later life (Age UK, 2013).
Support that addresses specific needs of older people living in areas of deprivation
through benefit and income maximisation, employment opportunities for those wanting to work and increased public health activity to reduce limiting factors such as smoking and obesity.
Prevention activity targeting excess winter deaths
through anticipatory care, public awareness and tackling fuel poverty.
12.4. Current Care and Support Provision
All partners in the region are moving towards a consistent model of care for older people based on the principles of wellbeing and prevention encapsulated in the SSWB Act and informed locally by a range of plans and strategies including Ageing Well plans, the Health Board’s Integrated Medium Term Plan, Carmarthenshire County Council’s ‘Vision for Sustainable Social Services for Older People 2015-25 and the regional Statement of Intent for the Integration of Services for Older People with Complex Needs in West Wales (2014).
Delivery across the region varies in detail but in each county area it is based around three levels of service each of which aim to meet person-centred outcomes, as shown in the following figure.
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Older people

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