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These three levels can be described as ‘offers’ to individuals according to their need and circumstance and are as follows:
Figure 12:4 Three Levels Of Service
Source: Carmarthenshire County Council
More detail of each offer is provided below:
Offer 1: Help to help yourself
These are services which build resilience of individuals and communities, aimed at helping people help themselves and prevent the need for ongoing care. Roles such as community connectors and community resilience development officers have been introduced to build third sector capacity and improve sign-posting of individuals. Locally funded community-based projects such as Solva in Pembrokeshire and Llandysul in Ceredigion aim to provide holistic, community-based support that promote and sustain independence.
Provision includes:
• Information, Advice and Assistance which help people achieve their outcomes by directing them to support available within the community. This should be targeted when appropriate to support people experiencing one or more ‘accelerating factors’ as described earlier in the report
• Advocacytohelppeoplearticulateneedsandaccessappropriatecareandsupport
• Community-based home to hospital provision which facilitates effective hospital
discharge, prevents readmission and inappropriate admission
• Thirdsectorservicespromotingindependence,socialengagementandinclusion
• Timebanking,socialprescriptionandvolunteering
• Primary and community care initiatives funded through the cluster development
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Older people