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• Management of specific conditions through community nursing which includes; clinics and district nursing services
Providing services to those with ongoing need overwhelmingly represents the largest part of the budget in region.
12.5. Gaps and Areas for Improvement
Current provision as set out in the previous section provides a valuable foundation for further development to ensure that rising levels of need across the region are effectively met. A number of areas need further development if the requirements of the Act, including wellbeing outcomes for older people and the aspirations of existing strategies are to be fully addressed. These are set out below against the core principles of the SSWB Act.
Voice and control
• Ensuringeffectivecommunitybasedadvocacyservicesforolderadultsisavailable and accessible across the region
• ImprovingthelevelofservicesavailablethroughthemediumofWelsh
Prevention and early intervention
• Reducing the reliance on residential and nursing care in favour of lower level, preventative and wellbeing services
• Mainstreaming integrated approaches across primary, community and social care, adopting local successful practice across the region where positive impact is evidenced and further aligning ICF and cluster development programmes
• Increasing the level and range of low level support services such as befriending, shopping and lunch clubs are not able to recruit volunteers in some areas – where there are specific befriending services demand greatly outweighs capacity
• Buildinggood-neighbourschemestopromotecommunityconnectionandresilience
• Improving availability of rapid response services for older people who have short
term need
• Improvingthelevelandqualityofrehabilitationacrosstheregion
• Attainingimprovedandstandardisedlevelsoftelehealthandtelecareacrosstheregion
• Achieving a consistent approach to frailty; the recent adoption by Hywel Dda
University Health Board of a frailty strategy (Hywel Dda University Health Board, 2016c) is an important first step; the objectives within the strategy need to be taken forward in an integrated way with all partners working in collaboration
• Improvingcommunitytransporttoenableolderpeopletoaccesscareandsupport at the appropriate level; feedback from communities consistently cite effective transport as a barrier accessing services and provision
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Older people