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• Joinedupserviceprovisiontosupportmentalwellbeingandaddressdepression
• Ensuring services (including primary care, domiciliary care, residential care and
reablement) and communities are ‘dementia friendly’
• Improvingdementiadiagnosisrates
• Ensuringappropriatelevelsofresidentialandnursingcareareavailableinallparts
of the region
• Involvingolderpeoplemoreinthedesignanddeliveryofservicesthataffectthem
• Maintaining a dialogue with older people in relation to personal responsibility for
maintaining wellbeing and care and support available
Cooperation, partnership and integration
• Workinginpartnershipacrosscommissionersandproviderstoarticulateand promote a consistent service model
• Improvinganticipatorycareacrossthehealth,socialcareandothersectorstoavoid escalation of need
• Buildingonlocalpilotsforintegrationofhealthandsocialcareroles,inkeepingwith national guidance on third party delegation, to ensure responsiveness of services and sustain independence for older people
• Developing integrated commissioning to achieve market sustainability across the region in residential and domiciliary care
• Growing an integrated approach to quality assurance and contract monitoring of care homes to identify and address emerging concerns and prevent placement breakdown
The role of the Regional Partnership Board will be vital in sustaining this drive for improvement, using the Area Plan and funding such as the Integrated Care Fund to achieve the paradigm shift still needed. A partnership approach will be needed in tackling key challenges such as development of new services in an environment of financial austerity, setting clear and shared outcome targets to measure progress and impact of transformation, achieving market sustainability across levels of care and support, and ensuring an appropriately qualified and skilled workforce is in place to deliver the changes still needed.
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Older people