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14.4. Current Care and Support Provision
In April 2015 a new Dyfed wide drug and alcohol service (DDAS) was commissioned by the Dyfed Area Planning Board for Substance Misuse in partnership with the Police and Crime Commissioner, National Probation Service, Hywel Dda University Health Board and two of the three local authorities. The service provides a single point of contact for access to all adult drug and alcohol treatment services, including for criminal justice clients, and is delivered by a consortium of third sector partners.
The region adopts a partnership approach and in each LA area weekly meetings are held between DDAS, HDUHB and LA Substance Misuse teams to manage risk, where appropriate share information and oversee the transfer of care between teams. Teams are co-located in dedicated bases throughout the region and have established systems and protocols to reduce the barriers to effective partnership working.
Referrals into Tier 4 treatment – Inpatient Detoxification or Residential Rehabilitation – are also managed by the Tier 3 community teams. Social Care teams also access other types of specialist accommodation such as that commissioned through the Supporting People Programme for example ‘dry house’ or supported accommodation provision, as well as Floating Support for individuals with substance misuse needs within their own homes in the community.
The UHB and LAs commission a range of third sector organisations to support people with substance misuse needs including information and advice, counselling services as well as treatment and support services. There are many voluntary and community organisations and social enterprises working with people with substance misuse needs including Drugaid, Chooselife and Cais.
A specialist children and young people’s service is provided by Drugaid Choices West, a third sector organisation who link closely with a range of other partners including the Police School Liaison Officers, Specialist Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (Sp CAMHS), Children’s Services, Youth Services, HDUHB Youth Health Team and Youth Offending Services. The Dyfed Area Planning Board also commission a dual-diagnosis service for young people who have co-occurring mental health and substance misuse needs and this is provided by Hywel Dda UHB Specialist CAMHS.
14.5. Gaps and Areas for Development
The Dyfed Area Planning Board for Substance Misuse is in the process of developing its third Commissioning Strategy for Drug and Alcohol Misuse. This will involve the development of a full needs assessment, market and service mapping, gap analysis and the development of future commissioning intentions. The development of fit for purpose services right across the range is and on-going journey but a number of areas in which further improvements can be made have been set out below against the core principles of the SSWB Act. The further development of services will be in the context
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Substance misuse