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of strategic priorities within the national ‘Working Together to Reduce Harm – Substance Misuse Delivery Plan 2016-18’ (Welsh Government, 2016).
Voice, Choice and Control
• Ensuringthatchildren,youngpeopleandfamiliesareabletoaccessservicesthrough their language of choice and that the ‘active offer’ of services through the medium of Welsh is always available
• Useofdirectpaymentssothatindividualscanchoosewhoprovidestheservicesthey need
Prevention and Early Intervention
• Establishingamoreco-ordinatedandcoherentapproachtodrugandalcoholmisuse education and awareness raising for young people across schools and for those who are not in education, employment and training (NEET)
• ProvidesupportforthefurtherdevelopmentandrolloutoftheAlcoholLiaiseNurse scheme in secondary care settings across the West Wales area
• Establishclearandcoherenttreatmentoptionsforyoungpeopleandtheirfamilies with drug and alcohol problems to provide a more holistic approach to prevention and early intervention ensuring that there is a clear link to the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) agenda
• Re-evaluationoftreatmentoptionsforyoungpeopleagedbetween18-25yearsold
• Re-evaluationoftreatmentoptionsforolderpeoplewithalcoholissues.
• LackofclearfundingandtreatmentoptionsforpatientswithAlcoholRelatedBrain
• Increasing service user involvement, including carers, young carers, parents or significant others, in service delivery and service planning
Co-operation, Partnership and Integration
• Development of housing options and reintegration opportunities within the community for recovering service users
• Establish,develop,implementandmanagearobustprocessforthereviewofboth fatal and non-fatal overdoses including the rollout of the distribution of Naloxone across hospital sites
• Supportthedevelopmentandimplementationofthealcoholandassaultdataproject between the University Health Board, Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust, Dyfed Powys Police and Public Health Wales in order to improve information sharing arrangements between partners involved in reducing harm in the night time economy
• Ensureclearpathwaysbetweenservicesforserviceuserswithco-occurringsubstance misuse and mental health
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Substance misuse