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• Levelsofreportingforthosewithadisabilityappeartobelowwhenitistakeninto account that their additional vulnerability is a known area for increased susceptibility to being abused; research (Bennett et al, 2013) suggests
• people with a learning disability are not always listened to or believed when
reporting abuse
• disabled children and adults are at greater risk of experiencing abuse and violence
than their non-disabled peers
• people with a learning disability are more likely to be subjected to abuse than
non-disabled people and possibly at greater risk than other disabled people
• Very few younger victims are discussed at MARAC. Safeguarding processes are in place in each county’s children’s services department where high risk cases are also
Cases of abuse in older people appear to be an area where there is underreporting. The National Strategy (Welsh Government, 2016) suggests:
“There is sometimes confusion between the experience of domestic abuse in later life and “elder abuse” (a term which encompasses all forms of violence, abuse and neglect experienced by older people). Such confusion can result in victims of abuse falling between the systems which are designed to offer them protection and as a consequence do not receive appropriate support to help them to stop the abuse or make them safe.”
Work is ongoing through a pilot in Carmarthenshire and Cardiff led by Aberystwyth University to improve responses and so improve outcomes for older people.
15.3. Current and Future Care and Support Needs
The Violence Against Women, Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse Act, 2015 makes it clear that partners including Local Authorities, Local Health Boards, NHS Trusts, Fire and Rescue Authorities, Police, Police and Crime Commissioners, education services, housing organisations, the third sector, specialist services, survivors, crime and justice agencies, and probation services need to work together to:
• Preventviolenceagainstwomen,domesticabuseandsexualviolence
• Protectvictimsofviolenceagainstwomen,domesticabuseandsexualviolence
• Support people affected by violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual
The National Strategy (Welsh Government, 2016) makes it clear that this requires;
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 VAWDASV