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15.4. Current Care and Support Provision
Welsh Government contracted with Hafan Cymru in 2015 to provide awareness-raising in primary and secondary schools across all schools in Wales through the SPECTRUM Project. This aims to assist with children having access to dedicated sessions around healthy relationships. Discussions are ongoing regarding how this contract can be enhanced to further support the guidance. In addition to this each county’s specialist support providers provide awareness raising sessions in schools and youth settings.
Community campaigns are coordinated during the year to improve the community’s understanding of abuse and the support that is available. Domestic Abuse Coordinators, specialist services and partners also utilise opportunities to raise awareness in community settings.
A mandatory National Training Framework is in place with training modules currently under development to ensure that staff are training appropriately for their level of involvement and are able to target enquiry and act appropriately where abuse or violence is disclosed. Training has also been arranged for Health Board staff in Domestic Abuse, Risk Assessment and MARAC training and Domestic Abuse and the Older Person. Carmarthenshire has a dedicated Domestic Abuse social worker in its children’s team and Ceredigion has a part-time mediator funded through Flying Start and Families First.
The following table shows the range of services from universal services through to those for acute needs and approximate stages for services to become involved or hand over to other services. Some services may become involved earlier and remain involved. Others may only be involved once, or for specific support at different times when needed. New legislation may impact these areas of support so this represents current service configuration.
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 VAWDASV

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