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Figure 15:4 MARAC cases and IDVA support
There is a need to consider what model of support is effective and how such work can be resourced.
The IDVA is a key part of the pathway for survivors of high and very high risk cases. These services are currently part funded from Welsh Goverment Grants and part funded from Home Office Grants. Current IDVA provision and pathways vary greatly across the region and each county lacks the levels required for the number of MARAC cases heard. The following table shows the number of FTE IDVAs in each county, the number recommended by Safe Lives, and the number required to service current case numbers. In Carmarthenshire and Ceredigion the number of FTE IDVAs is less than the Safe Lives recommended levels and the numbers required to service current case loads. In Ceredigion the number of FTEs is between these benchmarks. The aggregated figures for the region also fall short of both benchmarks.
MARAC data
Number of cases heard at MARAC
Safe Lives recommended number of cases
Number of Full Time Equivalent (FTE) IDVAs recommended by Safe Lives
Number of FTE IDVAs to serve current volume of cases
Current IDVA FTE
Carmarthenshire Ceredigion
454 189 310 130 4 1.5
5.8 2.2
2.56 1.8
Pembrokeshire TOTAL 341 984
210 650 3 8.5
4.5 12.5
2.45 6.9
Source: Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire IDVA Services, 2016
If this happens there will be an opportunity to ensure that services in each county are appropriate to the identified level of need and that there is a consistent IDVA pathway across the region. In order to support the targeted enquiry process it would also be helpful for staff working across public services to be able to signpost appropriately through having a directory of services.
Specialist support and protection services include refuge and move on accommodation which are funded by Supporting People Programme Grant which provides housing related support to vulnerable people. However, capacity levels are low and services across the region advise that they are operating at maximum capacity. The following table shows the numbers supported by specialist services across the three counties.
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 VAWDASV