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communities is required as there are particular risks associated with some communities. Also the BAWSO service across Wales which provided generic and specialist services for BME communities ended in 2015/16.
There is evidence that individuals who attend the Sexual Abuse Referrals Centres (SARC) may also have been victims of domestic abuse, although further work is required to identify the actual numbers. Support is given by third sector organisations such as New Pathways. Victims attending the SARC will often require sexual health services and as such there are robust pathways in place to support this service and allow easy access for victims. Pathways are also in place for easy access to the Emergency Departments, should victims require urgent treatment. The follow up of such victims will be an important element of their physical and mental Health care. It is these follow up services that may require further in-depth analysis as to what currently exists.
There is a high correlation between escalation in abuse with mental health issues and drug and alcohol use. HDUHB have undertaken some work within Mental Health Services and some of the specialist teams do work closely with partner organisations. Public Health and Health Visiting Flying Start/Specialist mental health services will support some areas, however, it is recognised that more investment and a more consistent approach across all counties would be helpful.
There is also a lack of supply of suitable, affordable, good quality single person and 2 bedroomed accommodation in Carmarthenshire that cannot be met through social housing leading to a reliance on the private sector. However, private sector landlords are reluctant to let to people who are benefit dependent. This lack of supply is having a detrimental impact on the capacity and capability of both supported and unsupported temporary accommodation to meet the needs of service users. There is a need to improve working relationships with landlords and providers of housing related support.
There is published research following engagement with survivors of VAMDASV (both nationally) for example; ‘Are you Listening’ and ‘Am I Being Heard’ (Welsh Women’s Aid, 2016 ) that sets out the care and support needs of this group in their own words but more work is needed locally to engage people with lived experience in this area to co-design and deliver support.
Co-operation, Partnership and Integration
Under requirements of the VAWDASV Act a regional strategic board comprising all partners (Dyfed Powys Police, Mid Wales Fire and Rescue Service, Welsh Ambulance Trust, Health Boards, Local Authorities, Education, Probation, Specialist Third Sector) needs to be established which will report to Welsh Goverment. The Board will be based around the Dyfed Powys Police footprint so will include Powys organisations.
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 VAWDASV

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