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Consideration should be given to adapting the existing Regional Domestic Abuse Forum for this purpose. The Board could consider and co-ordinate a regional response to the new requirements placed upon public services and the gaps and areas for development highlighted in this report and to support delivery of the 6 objectives set out in the National Strategy:
• Increaseawarenessofviolenceagainstwomen,domesticabuseandsexualviolence
• Enhanceeducationabouthealthyrelationshipsandgenderequality
• Challenge perpetrators, hold them accountable for their actions and provide
interventions and support to change their behaviour
• Ensure professionals are trained to provide effective, timely and appropriate
responses to victims and survivors
• Providevictimswithequalaccesstoappropriatelyresourcedhighquality,needsled,
strength based, gender responsive services
• Worktogethertounderstandandmeettheneedsofcommunities
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 VAWDASV

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