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3.1. Approach
Our approach to consultation and engagement to support the Population Assessment was underpinned by the principle to identify gaps and avoid duplication and engagement fatigue by:
• LinkinginwiththeWellbeingAssessmentundertakenregionallybythethreePSBs in the region to meet the requirements of the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, thus utilising onsultation and engagement opportunities for mutual benefit
• Identifyingexistingprovider,serviceuserandcarerforumsthatcouldcontributeto and support the assessment
• Using intelligence from relevant international, national, regional and sub-regional consultation and engagement activities and events undertaken in the recent past
• Undertakingadditionalengagementwhereitwasagreedthattherewasasignificant gap in our understanding of needs to support the development of the Population Assessment
3.2. Wellbeing Assessment
We worked with the PSBs of Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire to co-ordinate public engagement activities on the Population Assessment and Wellbeing Assessment (WBA). This provided a framework for a consistent, regional approach and promoted the interconnectedness of the two key pieces of legislation, using shared engagement activities for mutual benefit.
The key components of the regional engagement approach were:
• Asurveydirectedatresidents
• Anagreedtoolkitforundertakingdirectengagementworkthroughfocusgroupsor
in less formal settings across the region
• Mediacampaignactivitiesincludingsocialmediaposts,pressreleases,newsletters
articles, staff briefings
A survey was developed and a series of questions were formulated under the Wellbeing themes of economic, environmental, social and cultural wellbeing respectively. A further section was developed which explored the importance of health to individuals in order to ascertain the views of respondents to the care and support needs that they have and how these are currently met. For the purposes of the Population Assessment our engagement activities were focused on developing our understanding of:
• Theextenttowhichpeopleneedcareandsupportorcarersneedsupport • Theextenttowhichneedsarenotbeingmet
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Consultation and engagement

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