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• The range and level of services required to meet the care and support needs of people including the support needs of carers
• Therangeandlevelofpreventativeservicesrequired
• The actions required to provide the range and level of services needed to be
provided through the medium of Welsh
Alternative versions of the survey were produced in order to ensure accessibility across a wide range of age groups and abilities, namely a younger person’s version and an easy read version. In total 7,006 surveys were completed across the region which has provided a wealth of information about the views and needs of residents.
A regional engagement toolkit was also developed and included a series of documents to help organisers in running events and focus groups. A wealth of qualitative data has been gathered as a result of engagement with members of the public or specific patient/service user groups. This activity included:
• Attendanceatcommunityevents,forexamplecountyshowsandover50sforums
• Drop-insessionsonhospitalsitesandschools
• 7‘Let’sTalkHealth’events
• 3SiaradIechydevents;and
• Anumberoffocusgroups,includingwithYouthForums,EqualityCarmarthenshire and Disability Coalition
Taking a regional and collaborative approach to engagement with our communities in the development of the Wellbeing and Population Assessments has resulted in an excellent survey response rate providing both quantitative and qualitative data. It is acknowledged that some specific population groups may be under-represented both within the survey respondents and the qualitative data gathered through focus groups/community activities. However, we believe that engagement and participation is a fundamental underlying principle of service development and delivery and whilst specific activities have taken place to support this Population Assessment it is important to ensure an ongoing dialogue with service users, families and carers as this represents the ethos of co-production.
3.3. Highlights from the findings
Whilst the response rate was good, the findings from the Wellbeing Assessment and engagement events will only provide a snapshot in time of residents’ perceptions and identified need. However, combined with recent consultation data and ongoing en- gagement activity, they make an invaluable contribution to our understanding of needs and views across our communities.
Key messages emerging from the resident’s survey align with the issues highlighted in our population assessment and, particularly, the areas identified as priorities for future development and improvement. A sample of these messages is provided below.
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Consultation and engagement