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Once again these comments provide a clear indication of the need for and value of low level support to keep people independent and maintain their wellbeing within their communities, as well as the need to manage demand for more formal care to ensure that those in need of this receive timely and responsive support.
People go to a variety of places for information and advice in relation to care and support. In Carmarthenshire, most people said their preference would be to go to their GP, followed by family and then the Internet; in both Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire the Internet was the preferred route, followed by GP then family member. Implications from this include:
• TheneedtoensureinformationcontainedontheInternetisaccessibleandaccurate (the implementation of the Dewis Cymru database across the region in 2017 will play a key role in this)
• The need to ensure access to the Internet is adequate across the region and to promote digital inclusion
• TheneedtopartnerwithprimarycareandGPstoensureconsistentandappropriat information and advice on wider care and support is provided at this point of entry into the system
Discussions at the engagement events which followed circulation of the Wellbeing Survey provided useful insight into the thoughts and perceptions of those residents that participated. Once again a number of these reflect the core premise of this population assessment. A selection of comments made during discussions is provided below:
What does wellbeing look like?
• Supportfromfriends,familyandprofessionals
• Freedomtomakechoices
• Mentalhealthandwellbeing–especiallychildren • Connectedness
• Information/supporttomakedecisions
• Confidence,knowingyouarenotalone
• Maintainingsociallinksinlaterlife
• Localservicesthatyoucanreacheasily
What are the cultural and social factors that are important to the wellbeing of your community?
• Supportingcommunitiestohelpthemselves
• Everyonehassomethingtooffer
• Valuingcarers
• Soundinformationinavarietyofmedia
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Consultation and engagement

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