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Significant progress has been made in the region particularly through the Investors in Carers (IiC) scheme. IiC is an accredited award initiative for GP practices, secondary care settings, pharmacies and schools aimed at improving the help and support given to carers. The scheme delivers a number of cultural changes including;
• Mainstreamingofareasofgoodpracticewithinthepartnerorganisations
• Increasedcommunicationbetweenprofessionalsandvoluntaryorganisations
• Recognitionofthecaringroleandtheidentificationof‘hidden’carers
• Targetedhealthchecksforcarers
• Engagingcarersinthedesign,developmentanddeliveryoftheservicestheyreceive,
for example; the new Information Advice and Assistance (IAA) ‘Pre-Front Door’ operating Model and the development of a digital inclusion project in rural Tregaron, Ceredigion, to help overcome social isolation
• Partnership working between Mid Wales Healthcare Collaborative, Ceredigion County Council’s Carers Unit and the IiC Scheme to develop a training programme to build resilience and improve the wellbeing of carers across the region - the first time the training programme has been adapted and trialled with carers in the whole of the UK
• Roll out of the Carer Aware training scheme and Young Carer Aware E-learning package
• EnsuringthatHRpoliciesincludesupportforemployeestoremaininwork,fulfiltheir career potential and meet their caring responsibilities
Evidence of improvements include:
• An increase in the percentage of carers identified from 10.2% in 2013 to 20.6% in 2016
• AnincreaseinthenumberofcarersregisteredwithGPsurgeriesintheregionfrom 5,871 in 2015 to over 6,138 in June 2016. GP Surgeries also made 635 carer referrals for further help and support (almost a 40% increase since 2015)
• Positivefeedbackforexample
“I realised that I was a carer and could register with my GP after seeing the notices on the board in my Surgery”.
“Carer and cared for have used some of the information leaflets available in the GP surgery to access support/advice”.
Source: Hywel Dda Regional IiC (2016)
Social enterprises and voluntary groups also provide a wide range of services to support carers including:
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Carers