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• Lackofmarketcompetitionintheprivatesectorinruralareas
• NationalvariationsintheagerangesusedinrelationtoYACswhichhasabearing
on how research data can be compared. For example, Carers Trust considers YACs to be 14-25. The Census and other research consider the age range to be 18-25 years
However, the Population Assessment will inform partners’ future plans including:
• InvestorsinCarersdevelopmentplan(2017onwards) • RegionalCarersStrategy
• HywelDdaTransitionCarersActionPlan2016-2018
• CeredigionCarersUnitBusinessPlan
• CarmarthenshireCarersActionPlan
• PembrokeshireCarersStrategy–SupportingtheHealthandWellbeingofCarers
Headline intentions will be overseen through the RPB and through local governance structures including the Regional Carers Strategy Implementation Group and Regiona Carers Programme Board, Ceredigion Carers Alliance, Carmarthenshire Strategic Partnership Board for Carers and Pembrokeshire Joint Carers Strategy Board.
Partners including the third sector will continue to work together to address gaps and areas for improvement which are set out below against the core principles of the SSWB Act.
Voice and Control
There are challenges to improving outcomes for carers. Caring responsibilities can grow over time so that individuals do not immediately recognise they have become a ‘carer’
or that support may be available. There is a need to:
• Furtherembedgoodpracticesaroundidentification,informationandconsultation. This includes maintaining Carers Information Services to include information about health and care services and key stages in the caring journey from being a new carer, to changes in needs, transition points in life stages, preparing for the end of caring, bereavement and when the caring role ends
• Raisetheprofileandpublicunderstandingofcaring
• Ensuring carers are involved in decisions about the cared for person including
discharge planning
Prevention and Early Intervention
There is a need to design and develop preventative services and review commissioned service specifications to meet the prevention model.
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Carers

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