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Co-operation, Partnership and Integration
• Strengthentheroleofsocialenterprisesanduser-ledservicesincluding
• Developingcommissioningandprocurementprocessesthatpro-activelybuildsocial enterprise supply chains
• Promote new models of service delivery by sharing examples of what works elsewhere and encourage collaboration
• Develop a programme of training courses and workshops for carers delivered by third sector organisations and social enterprises
• Developamuchmorejoinedupapproachbetweenpartnersandotheragenciesto ensure the issues facing carers are taken into account when planning community programmes such as transport, housing, and technology developments and other community programmes. For example whilst technology developments have significant potential many carers need paper based and face to face advice because they cannot access online information or require the emotional support from personal contacts
• Supportcarerswithhousingproblemsforexamplethrough
• Advice services for carers including specialist housing advice services for carers of older people or people with learning disabilities
• Local authorities and housing associations taking carers’ needs into account in housing lettings policies
• Support with adaptations; equipment, repairs and improvements, alarms and telecare technologies
• Support to move home from an inappropriate property (The Princess Royal Trust for Carers, 2010)
• Addressthechallengesoftransportintheregionthroughforexample,integrating carers impact assessments within transport planning for the community and more consistent Community Transport Schemes across the region. For example ‘Cars for Carers’ is no longer resourced in all counties and needs to be considered on a regional footprint. And address carer transport needs using Direct Payments, Voucher schemes and other community schemes
• Addressthelowuptakeofbenefitsandincreaseclaimsandtoensure:
• Older carers over the age of 65 take up entitlement that could passport them onto other benefits or carer addition to Pension Credit
• Coordinated local concessions across the regional footprint e.g. free bus passes for carers, free parking, and other concessions that can make a big difference to the lives of carers and their families, and help to build a more carer friendly community
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Carers