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Non-statutory/ preventative services Family Information Service 2015/16
Contacts – Telephone/email enquiries FIS Website visits
Flying Start 2015-16
Numbers of children worked with
% assessed as medium and high need
Families First 2015-16
Individuals accessing FF funded projects Numbers of JAFFs completed
TAF requests for support
TAF cases (closed during the year)
Youth Justice Service – Preventions
Number of NEW prevention cases Number of ACTIVE prevention cases
Elective Home Education (EHE)
Numbers known to be in EHE
Children with a disability
Children receiving continuing care funding
Children receiving a service from Children’s Community Nursing Service
641 600 300 15,098 54,725 47,787
1570 525 1226 41% 37% 41%
8626 1732 2500 1162 399 205 476 163 463 285 122 203
Carmarthenshire Ceredigion Pembrokeshire
30 148 33 35 66 22
196 123 119
11 6 12 135 29 105
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Children and young people

   83   84   85   86   87