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• Cervical screening
• Community gynaecology
• Psychosexual counselling
• Rapid access for vulnerable groups
• Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) risk assessment for all patients under 18
• Assessment for domestic abuse
• Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) and Hepatitis B vaccinations
The sexual health service sees approximately 25,000 patients a year with the highest levels of attendance falling within the 15-24 age range.
Within each authority there are individual examples of co-producing creative solutions to support future services such as the Intergenerational Community Centre in Aberaeron. This is spearheaded by the third sector (Ray Ceredigion & Age Cymru), and the introduction of the ‘Signs of Safety’ outcome measurement framework when working with families which is a strengths-based and safety-focused approach to child protection work grounded in partnership and collaboration.
The following table provides a breakdown of the numbers of children supported through a range of statutory and non-statutory services across the region.
Figure 8:4 Numbers of children supported through a range of statutory and non-statutory services
Statutory Children’s Services
Referrals to Social Services (2015/16)
Rate of Looked After Children (LAC) per10,000 child population as at 31/3/16
Number of LAC placed by other LAs as at 31/3/16
Rate on Child Protection Register (CPR) per 10,000 child population as at 31/3/16
Rate of Children In Need (CIN)
per 10,000 child population as at 31/3/15 (2016 comparative data not yet available)
58 (n=215)
24 (n=88)
250 (n=930)
62 (n=80)
46 (n=55)
360 (n=450)
46 (n=126)
24 (n=60)
205 (n=505)
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Children and young people