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• There is an increasing focus on reducing adverse childhood experiences such as drug use, domestic violence, mental illness alcohol and drug use as well as continuing to address child maltreatment verbal, physical and sexual abuse. Those families who may have more complex or entrenched difficulties require assessment and coordination by a specialist worker to develop and deliver plans which will incorporate a range of specialist responses from dedicated services such as the Integrated Family Support Service (IFSS) and Looked After Children (LAC) teams.
• Educationwelfareservicesineachareaworkwithpartnersineducationtoreduce persistent non-attenders and ensure educational entitlement
• Specialist provision for children and young people with complex physical and mental health needs, including residential care (fostering, in-house placements, children’s homes, care homes and secure accommodation), community care packages enabling people to live at home and a range of health and education services such as Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, sensory, educational psychology (EP), physiotherapy, child psychology, and children and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS)
• A range of ‘looked after’ solutions including child protection reviews, adoption, fostering and residential care. A regional adoption service is in place across Mid Wales, including Powys, which has enabled a standardisation of approach and collaborative working in areas such as promotion, recruitment, assessment, training and ongoing support
• RegionalsafeguardingarrangementsthroughtheCYSURChildren’sSafeguarding Board, which has the aim of ‘protecting children who are experiencing, or are at risk of abuse, neglect or other kinds of harm, and prevent children from becoming at risk of abuse, neglect or other kinds of harm’. The regional arrangements have facilitated the development of consistent policies and procedures, including a regional action plan in relation to Child Sexual Exploitation, and are being aligned closely with arrangements for adult safeguarding to address cross-over issues such as domestic abuse and violence
• Transitionservicesandenhanced‘leavingcare’provisiontomeettherequirements of the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act
• Acomprehensiverangeofsexualhealthservicesincluding:
• SexuallyTransmittedInfections(STI)testingandtreatment
• ComplexcontraceptionincludingprovisionofallLARCmethods • Basiccontraception
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Children and young people