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Children will want to achieve wellbeing outcomes that are personal to them and they may need care and support from many different areas in helping them to achieve these. Children with disability or additional needs will require enhanced or targeted support to assist them.
Exposure to Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) such as parental separation, domestic violence or individuals with alcohol or substance misuse problems have a long term harmful effect. Preventing ACES can improve health across the whole life course and enhance an individual’s wellbeing while supporting families with parenting and child development plays a central role by promoting resilience, positive self-esteem and has a positive impact on wellbeing outcomes (Public Health Wales, 2015).
Workers across health, social services and associated preventative services gather the views of children, young people and their families through their day to day practice. In addition to this a range of consultation and engagement activity is undertaken to ensure that the experience and voice of children, young people and their families shapes service improvement and planning. For example, in Ceredigion the views of the wider children and young people population are gathered through the School Wellbeing Survey.
8.4. Current care and support provision
In response to the needs identified in the previous section, partners across the region have adopted a service continuum as a basis for planning and delivering care and support as shown in the following diagram.
Figure 8:3 Service continuum
Source: Institute of Public Care
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Children and young people