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Whilst the continuum is articulated differently in each county area and the precise categorisation of services varies slightly, there are common core principles which include:
• A recognition of the importance of physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of children and the key role of universal services in achieving this
• Theimportanceofpartnershipworking,forexamplebetweensocialservices,youth services, youth prevention services and other organisations to ensure that young people have access to social activities
• Theviewthatresilienceandwellbeingarerootedinfamiliesandcommunitiesand therefore that support should be focused wherever possible on promoting family life and enabling children and young people to remain within their families and/ or communities so long as it is safe for them to do so
• A multi-agency and individualised approach to supporting children with complex needs
• Effective transition for children and young people into adult services where appropriate
Similarly, service provision varies in detail across the region, but they are predicated on this continuum of services. A summary of services currently in place is provided below.
• FamilyInformationServices(FIS)areinplaceineachLAareawhichprovidemembers of the public, professionals and other agencies with access to a broad range of information about local relevant services and support available to families including those who may have a need for advice with specific issues
• Advocacy services are provided through a newly commissioned regional contract spanning Mid and West Wales (including Powys)
• ArangeofservicesarecommissionedthroughtheFamiliesFirstprogramme,which has a clear emphasis on early intervention for families, especially those living in poverty, through a multi-agency approach and coordinated working with other programmes and services across the region. These include Flying Start, which provides enhanced services for children age 0-4 living in particular geographical areas as well as third sector providers which cover the whole region such as Action for Children, Plant Dewi and Homestart.
More information on Families First can be found at people/parenting-support-guidance/help/families-first/?lang=en and on Flying
Start at young-people/parenting-support-guidance/help/flyingstart/?lang=en
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Children and young people