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Of those adults aged between 18 and 64, 1,679 people are registered with a physical disability and a further 1,744 are registered as having physical and sensory disabilities. Together this represents around 1.1% of the total 18-64 population, which is in keeping broadly with the Welsh average of 1.02.
Proxy figures suggest that significant numbers of people within this cohort of the West Wales population experience one or more ‘accelerating’ factors which could result in increased need for care and support.
For example:
• 1,010adultsareinreceiptofIncapacityBenefitorSevereDisabilityAllowance,10.3% of the Wales total
• 16,740 adults are entitled to Disability Living Allowance or PIP (personal independence payment), representing 12% of the all-Wales figure
• 3.14% of people between 18 and 64 do not have central heating (1.97% in Carmarthenshire, 3.47% in Pembrokeshire and 5.5% in Ceredigion), compared with a Welsh average of 1.84%; and
• Among people living with severe health conditions 9,480 are in receipt of Employment Support Allowance (which is 0.4% of the Wales 18+ population). (Daffodil Cymru).
Neurological conditions are the most common cause of serious disability and have a major, but often unrecognised, impact on health, social services and on people’s lives (Hywel Dda University Health Board, 2015).
• 25%ofpeopleagedbetween16and64withchronicdisabilityhaveaneurological condition
• 33%ofdisabledpeoplelivinginresidentialcarehaveaneurologicalcondition
• 10% of visits to Accident and Emergency Departments and 19% of hospital
admissions are for a neurological problem
• 7%ofGPconsultationsareforneurologicalsymptoms
• InWestWalesthereare:
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727 people living with Muscular Sclerosis
723 living with Parkinson’s disease. 80% of people with Parkinson’s disease will develop dementia or experience cognitive decline
2,934 adults with Epilepsy on GP registers
223 admissions for headaches for people under 65
31 people known to have Motor Neurone Disease
247 people attended Rookwood Welsh Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Centre in Cardiff with spinal injury in the last 10yrs
• Approximately130peopleadmittedtohospitalwithheadinjuryeveryyear.Ofthese on average, 30 people per year require admission to a regional centre due to the
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Health and physical disabilities

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