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Observed percentage of adults who reported not meeting guidelines for fruit and vegetable consumption, persons aged 16-44 and 45-64, Hywel Dda UHB and local authorities, 2013-2015
Aged 16-44
Percentage Estimated count*
Wales 69.1 766,300 Hywel Dda UHB 65.4 81,900
Ceredigion 60.8 17,000 Pembrokeshire 66.6 25,300 Carmarthenshire 66.9 39,800
Aged 45-64
Produced by Public Health Wales Observatory, using MYE ( ONS) & WHS ( WG) * Rounded to nearest 100
Source: Hywel Dda University Health Board
9.3. Current and Future Care and Support Needs
Supporting people to live active and healthy lives will reduce their needs for care and support and lead to improved outcomes at an individual and community level. The following chart sets out a range of factors which can affect an individual’s wellbeing, of which formalised care and support represents a small proportion.
Figure 9:2 The Determinants of Health.
The contribution of care and support services must be complemented by a range of collaborative approaches to improve people’s social, economic, environmental and cultural wellbeing as required by the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2016.
Public Health has an important role in providing the population with general information and advice on healthy life choices and support in areas such as diet and
66.9 63.1
64.0 61.2 63.9
Estimated count*
12,400 21,100 32,800
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Health and physical disabilities