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smoking cessation. This needs to start in the early years but should be sustained where possible across the range of age groups.
More generally, a range of preventative measures within communities will help ensure that individuals can take care of themselves, access low level support when needed and remain independent for as long as possible. Examples of this include:
• Information,adviceandassistanceaboutuniversalandpreventionservices,including how to access these services, must be available in formats and venues that are appropriate to this cohort’s communication needs and preferences
• Effective information, advice and assistance to maximise income and access employment opportunities and benefits
• Trainingandfurthereducationtoimproveprobablilityofsuccessfullyenteringemployment
• Access to a range of sport and exercise facilities/programmes that are tailored to
meet specific needs to support good health and wellbeing
• Support to access activities and services within communities that counteract
socio-economic deprivation and maximise engagement (including volunteering);
• Appropriatetransportprovision,especiallyinruralareas
• Whereappropriate,accesstomentalhealthservicestoimprovewellbeingthrough
diagnosis, assessment and care planning
People with chronic, long term health conditions and physical disabilities will have specific care and support needs. Given the greater preponderance of these conditions in older age groups, it is important that services are available to younger adults and responsive to meet their particular needs. In keeping with the requirements of the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act and the expressed need of individuals, these services need to retain a preventative approach, helping people to support themselves without the need for long term care and support. Sometimes this will be about signposting people to ‘low level’ services run within their communities, others may need an intensive intervention in the short term to prevent escalation and the need for longer term care. In all instances it is vital that people are supported in achieving their desired personal outcomes in a proportionate and dignified way. Early identification of conditions and anticipatory care is vital to improve people’s health and wellbeing.
Examples of support needs for this section of the population include:
• Supportathometomaintainindependence,includingassistivetechnologysuchas telecare and telehealth (including those that link individuals with clinicians), adaptations, equipment and aids and assistance with personal care
• Linkstogroupswithinthecommunityprovidingsupportforpeoplewithparticular conditions; and
• Stepupanddownbedsandotherintermediatecareoptionssuchasoccupational therapy and reablement, to avoid admission and support safe discharge from hospital to provide support when needed
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Health and physical disabilities

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