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General services available to promote self-care and wellbeing include:
• Universalservicesandamenitieswithinthecommunity
• Preventionandearlyinterventionservicesincludinginformation,adviceandassistance
• Thirdsectorprovisionincludingawiderangeoffacilitiesincludingtransport,social
activities, help at home with domestic tasks such as finance management gardening
and cleaning and various targeted support groups such as carers’ support; and
• Leisureservices,whichcanwhereappropriatebeaccessedviatheNationalExercise
Referral Scheme (NERS) which is in place across the region
For those with chronic and long term conditions and physical disability, a range of services are provided:
• Chronicconditionsmanagementthroughdistrictandspecialistnurses
• Socialservicessupportinresidentialsettingsandinthecommunity
• Community-basedsupporttoreduceriskofdeteriorationandpromote
• Highlevelsupportthroughtheprovisionofassistivetechnology,
equipment, adaptations, direct payments and home care; and
• Advocacyservicestohelppeoplemakeinformeddecisionsabouthowtheir
needs can be met and to support or improve independence
People with neurological conditions can receive a range of specialist neurological services within community settings or hospital. Acute medical inpatient care and generic rehabilitation services are provided from four District General Hospitals with support of community hospitals, with a neurological service provided by Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board.
Health and LA Leisure services work together to provide targeted intervention for those who are referred by GPs onto the National Exercise referral scheme. This produces good outcomes and many of these participants go on to regular exercise programmes. For example, Ceredigion had 386 referrals in 15/16 of which 65% were aged 17-65, and in Pembrokeshire there were 608 referrals of which 66% were aged 17-65. Leisure centres also provided support to those with: Stroke, Cardiac, Falls, Back Care, Pulmonary, Cancer, Weight management, Mental Health and Antenatal Care.
People with health and physical disabilities are provided with a range of services to improve or help maintain their independence levels and quality of life.This support includes: occupational therapy support with assessments, equipment and aids and referrals for disabled facilities grants and adaptations. Leisure services also provide exercise and sports programs designed to benefit those with health and physical disabilities through provision at leisure and sports centres.
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Health and physical disabilities

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