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General and universal services such as information, advice and assistance and advocacy, third sector support groups, supported employment, education and training opportunities are also on offer. Day care provision at day centres and where required in other settings provide opportunities for this cohort and support carers so they can benefit from a break from caring duties.
The range of services available include:
• StopSmokingWales
• ProvisionofequipmentfromtheJointEquipmentStore
• DisabledFacilityGrants
• ReablementincludingOccupationalTherapyandPhysiotherapyServices
• Telecare
• Mealsonwheels
• Daycare
• Respitecare
• Minoradaptationprovision
• Fallsprevention/fallclinic
• Disabilitiessportwalesdevelopmentofficer
• 50+Network
• BlueBadgeScheme
• DisabilityForum
• RallyRoundAppwhichisbeingpilotedandisafreeonlineservicewhichmakesit
easy for friends and family to come together and help a loved one stay safe and well at home
9.5. Gaps and Areas for Improvement
Although a drop in the number of people falling within this thematic group is predicted in the medium term, and the current number of people with specific care and support needs is small, it is vital that appropriate provision is in place to promote wellbeing and independence and prevent escalation of need. The following gaps and areas for improvement have been identified and are set out below against the core principles of the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act.
Voice and control
Areas for improvement include information, advice and assistance to ensure that people are signposted to relevant support within their community, advocacy, and improved choice in the format and range of services available.
Prevention and Early Intervention
Enhancing community based support to prevent isolation and promote independence is common to all themes including this one. In addition, HDUHB has identified a
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Health and physical disabilities

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