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• Betterunderstandingthemotivationsandbarriersforundertakingphysicalactivity; and
• Consideringinterventionswithinasettingsapproach
Reducing alcohol consumption and binge drinking through
• Betterunderstandingthesocialchangesthatcauseademographicshiftinalcohol
• Advocatingincreasedactiontoreducethemarketingandpromotionofalcoholfor
home consumption, e.g. multi-buy deals, minimum unit price of alcohol; and
• Increasingawarenessofharmfulalcoholconsumptioninlessdeprivedareas
Further health related objectives are
• Toincreasesurvivalratesforcancerthroughprevention,screening,earlierdiagnosis,
faster access to treatment and improved survivorship programmes
• To improve the early identification and management of patients with diabetes,
improve long term wellbeing and reduce complications
• Toimprovethesupportforpeoplewithestablishedrespiratoryillness,reduceacute
exacerbations and the need for hospital based care
• To improve the mental health and wellbeing of our local population through
improved promotion, prevention and timely access to appropriate interventions
• Themeasurementofriskfactorsforthedevelopmentofcardiovasculardiseaseand lifestyle improvement programmes are also critical to improve the prevention,
detection and management of the disease
• EstablishingstructuredcommunityNeuroRehabilitationinHywelDdatocompliment
commissioned neurological as well as local generic services
• Raisingawarenessofthewellbeingimpactofleisureandculturalactivitiesandwhat’s available especially from the third sector by having a directory or database of services and support
• Domiciliary care and supported living services will have to evolve to support increased use of assistive technology, such as telecare
• Dayopportunitiesthatsupportpeoplewithspecifichealthandphysicalneeds
• Greater flexibility to deliver step up and down provision to respond to changing
needs and a greater focus on mental health provision
• Building community resilience by encouraging a culture of ownership and
responsibility for individuals’ and the community’s own health and wellbeing and support for example through local support groups for people with chronic conditions
• Supportforandimprovedawarenessofthosewithmentalhealthconditions
• Improvedinternet/broadbandaccessandpublicandcommunitytransport
• Helpwithlowleveltasksaroundthehouse
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Health and physical disabilities