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To promote a culture of care for patients, carers and the public and a culture of care for all staff, NHS Wales developed and adopted a Health and Wellbeing Charter in May 2013. The charter encourages the health and wellbeing of all its staff and recognises that staff act as role models to the community they serve in promoting and preventing ill health.
A number of the services that people between 18 and 64 with specific needs require tend to be available to, and shaped around the needs of, older people. It is vital that they are co-developed further to ensure that younger adults have access to the care and support needed for them to lead fulfilled lives and have a greater say in the development of services.
The HDUHB Together for Health Neurological Delivery Plan 2013 – 2017 priorities for 2014 – 17 include reviewing and revising clinical/care pathways in order to deliver well co-ordinated care that feels integrated from a user perspective (Hwyel Dda University Health Board, 2015).
Co-operation, partnership and integration
• StrengtheningpartnershipworkingforNeurologicalservicesbetweenRegionaland local services, Statutory and third sector organisations, and Clinical and user groups • Strengthening transition arrangements between children and young people’s
services and adult services
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Health and physical disabilities

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