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9.6. References
Daffodil Cymru (2014a). Population aged 18 and over, receiving ESA, Incapacity Benefit, or Severe Disablement Allowance, as at May 2015. [Online].
Available at: &at=a&sc=1&loc=1&np=1
Daffodil Cymru (2014b). Population aged 18 and over predicted to have
a limiting long-term illness, by age and gender, projected to 2035. [Online].
Available at: muud06laf7u91&at=a&sc=1&loc=1&np=1
Dahlgren, G. and Whitehead, M. (1992). Policies and strategies to promote equity in health. Copenhagen: World Health Organisation
Hywel Dda University Health Board (2015). Together for Health Neurological Delivery Plan 2013 – 2017. Version 2.
Available at:
Hywel Dda University Health Board (2016). Health Needs Assessment Report 2016.
Available at:
Stats Wales. (2016). Adults receiving services by local authority, client category and age group. [Online].
Available at: Services/Service-Provision/adultsreceivingservices-by-localauthority-clientcategory-age
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Health and physical disabilities

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