Page 27 - Regional Employment & Skills Plan 2019
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Work readiness was identified as an issue for 59% of businesses surveyed. Respondents indicated that the majority (59%) are lacking the work experience required, followed by the skills required (54%) and the fact that entrants tend to have poor attitudes or lack motivation (37%).
There is clear evidence to suggest that effective work experience can provide individuals with the soft skills employers are looking for. 63% of Welsh employers said that having relevant work experience is a critical or significant requirement for people applying to join their company.26 These include, skills such as working to a deadline, determination and perseverance, communication, effective time management and ability to handle criticism.
2.7 Schools
2.7.1 The New Curriculum
The compulsory education system is changing in Wales. The changes will fully come into force from September 2022 and are occurring because attainment levels in Wales and levels of achievement do not meet expectations or societal needs.
The current curriculum system was introduced in 1988 and the world has changed significantly since and continues to change at a rapid rate. The new curriculum aims to provide young people with the digital skills, adaptability, creativity and knowledge they need to thrive in an ever-changing world. This is especially important as;
‘Given the scale and pace of change, it is likely that many children in primary school today will work in jobs that either do not exist today, or at least have constituent tasks that are very different from those of today’27 The curriculum is based around the following six areas of learning and experience;
• Expressive Arts,
• Humanities,
• Health and Well-being,
• Science and Technology,
• Mathematics and Numeracy,
• Language, Literacy and Communication.
These areas of learning are aligned to those areas of priority that have been identified by the RLSP in response to industry feedback, they are therefore welcomed. The RLSP are fully supportive of the purpose of the new curriculum in developing;
• ‘ambitious, capable learners, ready to learn throughout their lives,
• enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work ,
• ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world,
• healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society.’28
The delivery of such an ambitious change to a curriculum will be challenging and will be an opportunity to prepare young people for the world of work through the development of softer skills. The involvement of businesses with schools will be imperative and opportunities will be encouraged building on the work already being undertaken through the successful Business Class and Education Business Exchange programmes.
26 UK Commission for Employment & Skills, 2015
Regional Employment & Skills Plan South West & Mid Wales Policy Context