Page 28 - Regional Employment & Skills Plan 2019
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The RLSP supports the position that that Welsh Government have adopted in recognising that these pro- grammes need to be more widespread to ensure that all schools benefit and, sees its role as being one of linking between schools and businesses in the region in partnership with other agencies to ensure that there are opportunities for all.
2.8 Further Education
The region is home to the following further education institutions covering six counties, they are;
• Coleg Sir Gar/Coleg Ceredigion – spanning the counties of Carmarthenshire and Ceredigion,
• Gower College Swansea,
• NPTC Group of Colleges – Created following the merger of Neath Port Talbot College and Coleg Powys,
• Pembrokeshire College.
Consultation with these providers has indicated that all parties involved in the development of this plan are largely in agreement on some of the most pressing issues blighting the education landscape in the region.
Careers Advice and Guidance
Providers agree that the perceived lack of independent and representative careers advice and guidance provided to learners is a key contributor to the low levels of engagement with certain subject areas. In addition, providers highlight that changing the perceptions of parents, guardians and influencers is key to changing take-up trends exhibited in recent years. This extends to educating all concerned of the types of learning routes available e.g. academic, vocational and work-based learning and the varying levels and entry points available.
Delivery Models
A number of providers suggested that a move away from what is termed as the traditional academic year i.e. September to July could offer a greater level of flexibility in delivery to meet the needs of potential learners and in turn employers. In addition, providers would like the flexibility to explore more innovative forms of delivery which could include; the use of digital platforms, shorter and tighter delivery and the use of the summer period. This would go in some part to alleviating the issues raised by employers regarding the rigid nature of delivery, assessment and content.
There are specific needs which need to be considered in terms of delivery for learners with additional learning needs. Providers would like to see greater flexibility both in terms of the content of courses and particularly the assessment of these qualifications.
In addition, some providers would like to see the flexibility to integrate employability through hands on work experience with employers and blended learning at age 16 in more sectors.
Regional Employment & Skills Plan South West & Mid Wales Policy Context