Page 39 - Regional Employment & Skills Plan 2019
P. 39

   Top Hard Skills
Top Soft Skills
Repairing computer systems Training
Installations (Manual/Mechanical) Operations
Leadership Scheduling Leading Literacy Learning Reliability Coordinating Tenacity Ethics Listening
                   47% of respondents indicated that they experience difficulty in recruiting for specific roles. Skilled engineers were reported as difficult to recruit, along with fabricators, plant operatives, software developers, CAD designers, quantity surveyors and LGV and HGV drivers.
Over a twelve month period between January 2018 and January 2019 the median posting duration of a job within the industry was 29 days. This is higher than the median posting duration for all other occupations and companies in the region, indicating that the sector may face additional challenges in recruitment with a high proliferation of what are considered ‘hard to fill’ vacancies.40
Barriers to Training
67% of respondents indicated that they do not experience barriers to training. The 33% that do reported that lack of funding for training (49%), sparing staff time (45%) and difficulty in finding training providers who can deliver training when or when we want it (27%) were the main barriers that they face.
The majority (71%) of businesses indicated that they are unaware of the funding programmes available within the region to support with training. As a result there is a clear need to ensure that businesses are sign-posted to the relevant stakeholders than can assist with this issue.
40 RLSP analysis of EMSI Job Posting Analytics
Regional Employment & Skills Plan South West & Mid Wales Sector Profiles

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