Page 46 - Regional Employment & Skills Plan 2019
P. 46

 Loss of staff and skills were only reported by 25%, suggesting that the sector in the region is not heavily reliant on overseas labour. This is not to say that depending on immigration policies the situation could change if large labour pools were to be lost from other areas causing a vacuum effect and subsequently the movement of labour from the region to counteract this loss. This could have a detrimental effect on the industry locally.
Welsh Language
The Welsh language was highlighted as a skills gap for only two respondents to the survey. Discussion in the cluster group indicated that they see the language as a ‘nice to have’ rather than an essential to the every-day operation of their business. They feel that there is no requirement to develop bilingual or entirely Welsh provision for the sector.
Industry should have a greater input into all skills elements of the industry. This is inclusive of (but not limited to); curriculum and framework development and the provision of careers advice and guidance as has been indicated earlier in the sector profile through the PVA approach.
3.3 Creative Industries, Digital and ICT
Creative Industries
The Creative Industries is one of the fastest growing sectors in Wales, with an annual turnover of over £1.9 billion, employing over 58,000 people which is 52% more than ten years ago.49
The region supports 9,583 full and part time jobs with growth of 11.3% expected between 2019 and 2022, compared with growth on a national level of 3%.
Employment is largest in the following sectors:
• Programmers and Software Development Professionals (867)
• Information technology and telecommunications professionals (636)
• IT specialist managers (442)
• IT business analysts, architects and systems designers (330)
• Sales accounts and business development managers (285)
The sector is supported by 9,225 full and part time jobs in the region, with growth projected to reach 11.3% between 2019 and 2022.
Similarly to the Creative Industries sector above, employment is largest is the following sectors:
• Programmers and software development professionals (959)
• Information technology and telecommunications professionals (768)
• IT specialist managers (632)
• Sales accounts and business development managers (395)
• IT business analysts, architects and systems designers (389)
Regional Employment & Skills Plan South West & Mid Wales Sector Profiles

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