Page 48 - Regional Employment & Skills Plan 2019
P. 48

 Skills Challenges
33% of respondents indicated that they are experiencing skills challenges. These skills challenges are spread across a range of occupational areas, which include;
• Skilled trades occupations (30%)
• Associate professional and technical occupations (27%)
• Managers, directors and senior officials (23%)
• Professional occupations (20%)
• Administrative and secretarial occupations (13%)
Further to this, these skills challenges were defined as ‘specialist skills or knowledge needed to perform the role’ (41%), ‘advanced or specialist IT skills’ (34%) and ‘problem solving’ (28%).
An analysis50 of the top hard and soft skills required by employers within the sector recruiting between January 2018 -2019 corroborate these findings;
  Top Hard Skills
Information Security
JavaScript (Programming) SQL (Programming) Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
Agile Software Development
Top Soft Skills
Public speaking Listening
Project Management Leadership
Persuasive Communication
                   80% of respondents are not experiencing difficulties in recruiting for specific roles. This could of course mean that individuals with the desired skills and qualifications are abundant in the labour market making recruitment a relatively simple process for businesses. On the other hand, it could be attributed to the fact that the majority of businesses operating within the sectors are zero and micro sized and therefore recruitment is not commonplace or essential for them.
50 RLSP analysis of EMSI Job Posting Analytics
Regional Employment & Skills Plan South West & Mid Wales Sector Profiles

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