Page 49 - Regional Employment & Skills Plan 2019
P. 49

 Those that are experiencing difficulty report that web designers, software developers, technicians, production operatives, vision mixers and engineers are in demand.
Over a twelve month period between January 2018 and January 2019 the following was true for job posting patterns: 51
Computing occupations Creative Arts occupations
Barriers to Training
Unique Job Postings
1,563 1,757
Median Posting Duration
25 days 28 days
      Barriers to training were reported by 31% of respondents, who state that they ‘can’t spare staff time’, ‘experience a lack of funds for training’ or face ‘difficulty in finding training providers who can deliver the de- sired training where or when they want it’.
These barriers can once again be attributed to the fact that the majority of businesses are zero or micro sized and therefore releasing staff for training may be too detrimental to the day to day operation of the business. This is directly related to businesses experiencing difficulty in finding providers to deliver when and where is convenient to the business. A more flexible approach to the delivery of training e.g. online, remotely, part-time or short courses could alleviate the pressure businesses face in releasing staff for training.
An overwhelming majority of respondents (88%) do not employ apprentices. 70% of these businesses relate this to apprenticeships frameworks not meeting business needs. In addition to this 25% are unsure of the process in relation to offering one. It is clear that further work needs to be done to ensure that the needs of employers are accounted for in the development of frameworks.
In addition, more understanding should be gained of the suitability (for employers) of the current digital degree apprenticeships being piloted in the region. The three pathways are aligned to growing areas; applied software engineering, applied data science and applied cyber security management which are welcomed by the RLSP.
A closer working relationship between the industry and providers needs to materialise to ensure that course content and delivery mechanisms meet the needs of employers. This is especially pertinent for ICT and digital provision where the fast pace of advancements needs to be reflected appropriately.
 51 RLSP analysis of EMSI Job Posting Analytics
Regional Employment & Skills Plan South West & Mid Wales Sector Profiles

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